Monday, 3 December 2007

My parcel is in the hands of the Royal Mail!

Yay!!! I have just handed over my secret package to the post office man, and hopefully will be arriving in the sunny south soon!
I had to get armed with umbrella & waterproof coat for the heavy rain, a woollen hat and gloves against the cold wind, and then put the parcel into a large plastic bag to avoid it being sopping wet during my 3 min walk to the PO...well, I fought all the way but it was worth the "exercise". Now, I am going t sit down with a nice cup of hot chocolate, relax and wait for the parcel to arrive!

1 comment:

Süßstoff said...

You are so tough, YowlYY! ;o)

I already envy the person who will receive your package... I just know it's going to be awesome!